Prairie Art Institute

JUNE 15 - 17, 2023 | REGINA, SK

The inaugural conference of the Prairie Art Network took place in Regina at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, Art Gallery of Regina, University of Regina, and the Dunlop Art Gallery.


  • Hosted at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, this roundtable will bring together scholars and professionals to talk about how local Prairie contexts inform curatorial practices.

    Alex King (Moderator) | Felicia Gay | Michele Hardy | Julia Krueger | Timothy Long | Tak Pham | Nicolle Nugent

  • A panel challenging the dominant narratives that inform Canadian art history by considering what a Prairie Art History might look like, the diversity of cultures and communities that could be included, and how it can be integrated into our courses.

    Whose art and why? Unpacking the biases of Prairie art histories | Jennifer Eiserman

    Black Prairies | Alyssa Fearon

    Asian Cultural History in Prairie Museums - Chinese Ivory Carvings from the Norman MacKenzie Collection | Sisi Li

  • A discussion about speakers’ experiences teaching art history in the Prairies.

    Developing and Teaching a Course on Prairie Modernism | Oliver Botar

    Teaching the Art History Survey in the Prairies | Anne Dymond

    Introducing the History of Art, Visual Culture, and Design on the Prairies | Lisa Claypool & Lianne McTavish

    What iceberg is this? | Barbara Meneley

  • Hosted at the Art Gallery of Regina, this roundtable will include representatives from ARCs to talk about grassroots arts organizations in the Prairies and their contributions to building Prairie art communities.

    Devon Smither (Moderator) | Amber Phelps Bondaroff | Shawna Dempsey | jake moore | Su Ying Strang | Collin Zipp

  • Roundtable participants will share approaches to teaching and curating Indigenous art and discuss challenges and opportunities that are specific to the Prairies.

    Sherry Farrell-Racette | Cathy Mattes | Erin Sutherland

  • Speakers will showcase ways they have worked with local art and museum collections or community arts organizations in their teaching.

    Teaching with Thomas Bewick at the Art Gallery of Alberta | Betsy Boone & Simone Halliday-Shaw

    Hands-On Learning at the Camrose and District Centennial Museum | Heather Caverhill

    Teaching in a Good Way through Niizhoziibean “Two Rivers” | Suzanne McLeod

    Strategies for Social Engagement, Education and Decolonization through Public Art | Tomas Jonsson

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