Dear Prairie Art Colleagues,

We are looking forward to welcoming many of you to Regina in June. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to propose a presentation for our first Prairie Art Network session at the annual University Art Association Conference (UAAC), which is taking place in Banff, October 19-21, 2023.

Please see below for the Call For Papers. To submit a proposal, fill out the Call for Papers form and send it to by May 31, 2023. Conference regulations and the full list of sessions can be found here.

From the Prairie Art Network co-organizers,

Andrea, Devon, and Karla

Art Under the Big Sky: Prairie Art Network Open Session

Andrea Korda, University of Alberta,

Karla McManus, University of Regina,

Session type: Panel session

The Prairie Art Network (PAN) aims to build a network of art historians, art educators, curators, and arts workers in the Canadian Prairies in order to create a stronger presence for the visual arts in the region. To that end, we invite Prairie-based art historians, artists, curators, and other arts professionals to join us for PAN’s first session at UAAC. We invite proposals for presentations on any aspect of teaching, research, curation, or artistic practice that is shaped by the Prairie context. We are particularly interested in hearing about projects and practices that engage with the places, histories, and communities of the Canadian Prairies.

Topics might include:

  • Challenges and opportunities in teaching art and art history in the Prairies

  • Researching, curating, and teaching with art and museum collections in the Prairies

  • Researching, curating, and teaching Indigenous art histories in the Prairies

  • Prairie art histories, especially counterhegemonic and marginalized Prairie histories

Keywords: Prairies, teaching, curating, collections, institutions

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


Call for Prairie Art Network Advisory Board Members!